great axe builds.png


Abyss / Musket PvP Build

Season 4

Hope you enjoy this janky combo that I didn't even think would work. Musket great axe is fast, has big damage, area control, mobility and and some of the best lifesteal you can get.

I really enjoyed this one!


Abyss PvP Build - Great Axe / Ice Gauntlet

Season 3

Brutal Ice Gauntlet lock down mixed with the devastating burst from great Axe. This build has it all. Great survivability, excellent movement / battlefield control, and damage that can quickly drop someone from full health.

The combo for this guy is simple, catch people in your ice traps and punish hard with Great Axe. I love how this build can force people to eat your Execute, making it a very deadly close ranged fighter!

you can play this guy in any armor weight you want too!


Abyss PvP Build - Great Axe / Rapier

I didn’t think Rapier and Great Axe would be such a good build.. excellent mobility, damage and healing power make this a well rounded setup with some super nasty burst combos!

Riposte into Execute is the combo of choice, giving this build a very good finish move against anyone under half health. Having access to two gap closers and blood lust allows this build to easily stick to opponents while also having fantastic get aways!


Abyss PvP Build - Great Axe / Fire Staff

Arguably one of the best PvP builds right now. This guy has top tier AOE burst, mobility and survivability. Honestly this build has it all and will excel at any type of PvP.

The nasty Gravity Well / Fireball / Pillar combo gives this build great CC and AOE burst at a distance while also having two of the longest distance gap closers in the game as escapes and chase moves.

I expect this guy to probably get nerfed!


Great Axe / Sword & Shield Heavy Brawler By

Nyce Gaming - Season 1

A durable brawler that has the one thing heavy struggles with, mobility. This is the perfect build for anyone who wants to dive right into the middle of a fight.

Having two gap closers, multiple hastes, and a Great Axe make this build surprisingly fast and good at hunting down a fleeing target. This build also has an incredibly good block mixed with tons of damage reduction, healing and fortify. In short, it can tank, and then spank.

A huge shoutout to Nyce Gaming for sharing this build with us all! You can check out his YouTube channel here