war hammer.png

A mighty combat hammer that can cause the earth to quake with its crushing strikes. Ideal for impeding enemies with ground tremors or dealing crippling blows directly to target.

Scales with Strength.

  • Light Attack: Deals 100% Strike damage.

  • Heavy Attack: Deals 130% Strike damage.

  • Charged Heavy: Deals 170% Strike damage.

  • Base Critical chance: 2%.

  • Base Critical damage: + 20%.


You can choose up to 19 skills from your weapon trees at level 20 mastery.

warhammer 1.png


Active Skills

juggernaut 1.png

Armor Breaker

armor breaker 1.png
armor breaker 2.png
armor breaker 3.png
armor breaker 4.png

Mighty Gavel

mighty gavel 2.png
mighty gavel 3.png
mighty gavel 4.png
mighty gavel 5 Ultimate.png

Wrecking Ball

wreaking ball 1.png
wreaking ball 2.png
wreaking ball 3.png

Passive Skills


Row 1

epitome of bonk r1.png
hammer time r1.png

Row 2

exhaustive attacks r2.png
hardened steel r2.png

Only 15% reduction granted, tooltip is incorrect in last beta.

Row 3

contemption r3.png

Row 4

quick recovery r4.png

Row 5

power through pain r5.png

Crowd Crusher

Active Skills

crowd crusher 1.png


shockwave 1.png
shockwave 2.png
shockwave 3.png

Clear Out

clear out 1.png
clear out 2.png
clear out 3.png

Path Of Destiny

path of destiny 1.png
path of destiny 2.png
path of destiny 3.png

Passive Skills


Row 1

outnumbered r1.png
i can do this all day r1.png

Row 2

gaurded sprint r2.png
acceleration r2.png

Row 3

facilitated expedition r3.png
concussive impact r3.png

Row 4

prevailing spirit r4.png

Row 5

resurgence r5.png

Final Row

aftershock Ultimate.png